Advanced Processes Enabling Low cost and High Performing Large Scale Solid Oxide Electrolyser Production
Jun 2023 - May 2026
Duration: 2023 - 2026
Our Role: partner, LCA analysis
Financing: Horizon Europe
Project manager: Rok Stropnik (rok.stropnik@fs.uni-lj.si)
Project description:
PilotSOEL will develop and demonstrate SOEL cells and stacks for high-current operation, applying advanced scalable manufacturing processes to enable SOEL production at much lower cost than for today’s state-of-the-art (SoA) products. The project will focus on innovative upscalable and low-cost SOEL component manufacturing processes with reduced use of Critical Raw Materials (CRM) and waste recycling in the cell production processes, and increase the degree of automation in the stack assembly to reduce manufacturing cost.
The project will develop a novel environmentally friendly water-based tape casting process with a reduced number of process steps for half-cell production. Innovative thin protective barrier layers deposited by ALD and PVD, together with microstructural cell optimisation, will reduce the cell resistance, improving the cell performance and durability at high current operation.
More: https://pilotsoel.dtu.dk/