Dr. Rok Stropnik
Recognised researcher with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education, research and development. Skilled in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Energy Storage, Renewable Energy Systems, Efficient energy use and analysis, thermal energy systems and Fuel cell and Hydrogen (FCH) Technologies.
Research and Professional Fields:
Sustainability assessments (E-LCA, Eco-design, LCC, S-LCA) of Fuel cell and Hydrogen technologies.
Dynamic modeling, integration and techno-economic analysis of energy systems (FCH technologies, RES technologies, thermal energy systems).
Experimental and numerical analysis of PEMFC technologies.
Collaboration on EU founded Projects with Industrial and R&D Partners:
- BEST4HY - SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR RECYCLING OF END-OF-LIFE HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGIES, jan 2021-dec 2023, Skills: Life Cycle Assessment · Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technologies · Circular Economy · Sustainability · Research Skills · Analytical Skills - More info: https://best4hy-project.eu/
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Collaboration on Projects with Industrial Partners:
- Delavnica za določitev ogljičnega odtisa podjetja in metodologija izvedbe LCA analize procesa ali izdelka za podjetje Kostak d.d., 2023
LCA analiza brizganja izdelka Telescopic tube 708913 podjetja Polycom, 2023
Mori, Mitja ; Gramc, Jure ; Stropnik, Rok ; Drobnič, Boštjan, Tip dela: 2.12 končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav, Leto: 2023
LCA analiza proizvodnje izdelka Polylac, 2023
Mori, Mitja ; Stropnik, Rok ; Drobnič, Boštjan, Tip dela: 2.12 končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav, Leto: 2023
LCA analiza proizvodnje plošče 4 TN Metal Ravne, 2023
Mori, Mitja ; Gramc, Jure ; Stropnik, Rok ; Bokal, Drago ; Šketa, Anja, Tip dela: 2.12 končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav, Leto: 2023
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), energy systems, process engineering and environmental sciences, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, 2020
Thesis title: “Life cycle assessment of hydrogen technologies in future energy supply”
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Mihael Sekavčnik, Assoc. Prof. Mitja Mori
- Engineer’s Degree in Energy and Process Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, 2014
Thesis title: “Increasing efficiency of photovoltaic solar energy collector with the use of phase change material”
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Vincenc Butala, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uroš Stritih
Selected Publications in Scientific Literature:
Mori, Mitja ; Žvar Baškovič, Urban ; Stropnik, Rok ; Lotrič, Andrej ; Katrašnik, Tomaž ; Šipec, Robert ; Lipar, Jakob ; Lesar, Žiga ; Drobnič, Boštjan; International journal of hydrogen energy - ISSN 1879-3487. - Vol. 48, pg. 39138-39153, year: 2023
Senegačnik, Andrej ; Stropnik, Rok ; Sekavčnik, Mihael ; Rodman Oprešnik, Samuel ; Mlakar, Urška ; Ivanjko, Štefan ; Stritih, Uroš; Sustainable cities and society - ISSN 2210-6715. - Vol. 96, pg. 1-11, year: 2023
Stropnik, Rok ; Mlakar, Nejc ; Lotrič, Andrej ; Sekavčnik, Mihael ; Mori, Mitja; International journal of hydrogen energy. - ISSN 0360-3199. - Vol. 47, iss. 57, year: 2022